I hate to admit it, but this month the guilt is too much for me to bear, and it’s finally time that I come clean about something. Every year, around October, I try really hard to create and release some fun, new, unique products to later sell on Black Friday in November. But the truth is, for the last few years, because I have been so overwhelmed, it actually hasn’t been ME who’s been creating those products. 

As hard as this is for me to admit it, the truth is, although it IS my art that is being used for the most part, my Black Friday releases have actually been designed and created by someone else, and this year I would like to give him the proper credit that he has deserved, even though he has never demanded it. At least, not to my face.

His name is MR. BLACK. And he lives…in a sack. Or a body bag. That’s all I know about him, aside from the fact that he’s an excellent designer, he speaks mostly in rhymes, and I’m 99% positive he’s a ghost of some sort.

You see, every year, on Halloween night, I write a list of products that I hope to have in time for Black Friday, and I place it under my bed. This year was no different:


When I wake up on November 1st, I find a little magical hard drive in place of my list. And on that hard drive is an abundance of new designs and products to pick from alongside a pleasant note from Mr. Black himself.


Like I said, as you can see, this year was no different. Well, except this year the additional note he left made me feel a little guilty. And scared:


And, well, I want to come clean now. You hear that, Mr. Black. I’m COMING CLEAN! I KNOW YOU READ! So anyway, this year, this season, I would like to appropriately rename Black Friday on my website to "MR. BLACK FRIDAY" as TOGETHER we will be releasing some BRAND NEW merch exclusively for my “MR. BLACK FRIDAY SALE”.

Stay tuned to my social accounts @alexpardee as I reveal what will be going on sale on Friday, Nov 24 at 12:00 AM EST for my MR. BLACK FRIDAY sale. And make sure, if you see him under your bed, or in your attic, or at a local coffee shop working on his MacBook Pro and sipping a pumpkin latte with light whip, let him know he's doing a pretty good job at making me look cool!

Glad to finally get that off my chest. Mr. Black says hi. I hope. 

Alex & Mr. Black.


VAULT SALE! Rare Prints! Artist Proofs!

My VAULT-SALE officially starts/opens on Oct 6 at 12:01AM EST exclusively here in the shop. I will be selling a VERY LIMITED amount of some of my favorite prints from my personal collection that have long since sold out. A lot of these are Artist Proofs and pieces from my personal collection. If there are any specific prints that you have been looking for, or missed when they were available, check out this entire menu of what I will have available. I color-coded the prints so that the RED ones are VERY limited, the YELLOW ones are somewhat limited, and the GREEN ones are still limited, but I have a few on hand. Use this menu to plot any specific prints you want. 

My suggestion is that, if there's one that you REALLY want, you should try to purchase that FIRST before even adding any other prints to your cart, because adding it to your cart doesn't guarantee that you will get it until after your payment processes.

Anything that doesn't sell by Oct 13 is going BACK in the vault until who-knows-when! 

Thank you so much! Hope there's something you like here!
Word, nerds.




Although we have been in the same spot for almost 10 years, every year, we seem to get a lot of people that miss us because the numbering system is weird on the map of San Diego Comic Con. So, if you get lost, please refer to this handy visual guide for where we are located brought to you by THE PINFOLK. BOOTH 5502 & 5503!!!! Right inside the "A" entrance!


For the twixtillionth time, I will be exhibiting at San Diego Comic Con next week, the biggest compacted collection of nerds, i mean geniuses, known to mankind. But not only will I be there alone, I will be there alongside my partners-in-slime, DAVE CORREIA & JON WAYSHAK. I apologize in advance for the short, not-very-creative post but I only have 72 hours left before I leave and I have 100 hours of work left to do! So please check out some of the new items I will have at my Booth #5502 & 5503, including some LIMITED EXCLUSIVE PINFOLK and a BRAND NEW BUNNYWITH BOOK! Also, be on the lookout around the con for my old friend Mister Specter for a little bonus:) SEE YOU THERE! I will be there EVERY DAY! YES!